Quick Information Finder 

 In Church & OnlineWe will be recording and live streaming Sunday morning’s 10.15am and 11.45am service on YouTube.
The service recording will also be available on the Church Website from Tuesdays. If you would prefer not to be in the online video please check with the team where you should sit.

If you have a child please sign a permission form so images of your child can be used online by the Church.  If you do not want your child’s image on the video please locate and keep them away from the front of the church. https://christpurley.churchsuite.com/forms/xldferic


Tap to donateTAP TO DONATE

You can now make donations to Christ Church using your bank card.
It will be located near to the sound desk with instructions alongside.

It is very easy to use, why not have a go!

IMG 2010

Seeds Bookstall: The "SEEDS" Bookstall is open each Sunday between 9.30 a.m. and 10.15 a.m. and again between 11.15 a.m. and 11.45 a.m. Customers who have ordered Bible notes may collect their notes from the bookstall during opening hours.


?Do you have a child who will be attending Christ Church Kids?   10

Please can you complete this online registration and consent form so your child is ready join in.




What does step 4 mean at ChrisCOVID UPDATE: Covid restrictions are no longer mandated…however  

If you have Covid symptoms or a positive lateral flow test please do not attend.

Please see latest Church of England guidance here: https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2022-01/COVID%2019%20Guidance%20v2.4_0.pdf


Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


 I'm New rev

I would like to worship with Christ Church – Online in church

I would like my children to join in –  Children / Youth

I would like to hire a room 

I would like to join a House Group 

I would like to find out about the Christian faith 

I would like to get baptised 

I would like to get married 

I would like to arrange a funeral

I would like to talk to someone/I need help 


I'm new to Christ Church We’d  

Why not complete our Newcomer form and sign up for the Newsletter?